Monday, April 19, 2010

Finally Made It!

One of the best fly fishing rivers in the western US is the Green River. We floated the river on our pontoon boats. It is 7 miles from the Flaming Gorge Dam east to Little Hole and it has lots of fish, the water is cold and crystal clear. You have to go through 3 sets of rapids, the last called Mother in Law rapids, don't know why.   Went with a neighbor and his sons and fished this past Saturday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Capt Nathan Thompson

We are very proud of Nathan and Sarah for their service to our country, as Nathan deploys to Iraq and Sarah remains at home (in Germany) we will fly the American Flag until he returns.  Many of us have family that has served our Nation or have themselves given honorable service in defending our freedom.  Shelley's father Reed served in Korea, and I have a great uncle who served in WWI.  My father's great grandfather Sgt. Major William Mooneyham served in the Union army in the 81st Ill. Infantry in the Revolutionary War.  May we support all our soldiers that serve around the globe and keep Nathan and Sarah in our prayers.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's

Can you believe it?  This is our first time for a grandchild to spend the night. Brooke and Teancum went to Salt Lake to see some friends that came in for Conference.  So Hyrum spent the night.  You forget what it is like taking care of children.  He did great.  I took him to the grocery store with me while Kent went to Priesthood meeting.  I started to put him in the cart when he saw those huge carts that look like a car.  (hate and despise those)  I told him no, and he started to cry with big crocodile tears, so I gave in!  Never again. (right)  So here he is enjoying breakfast.

Stake Musical!

Haven't posted for a while, so we will bring you up to speed.  Last November, I was asked to help with a musical that our stake was putting on.  When they told me what I would be doing, costuming and make-up, I wan't to throw up!  I asked when this would take place, March is what I was told.  I thought I would be sewing until kingdom come.  Fortunately, one of the woman helping had the majority of the costumes in her stash.  (She has a masters in costuming and theater.)  What a relief!  But there was something that we had to make, and that was a puppet.  So guess who took on the job of making this? Me.  Never made a puppet, so I had to just go for it because I had to have it done in about a month. So there he is, his name is "Sebastian."  In the scene he had been thrown out of a window.  Hence the sling.  The young woman holding him is Megan Graves her name in the play is "Gwendolyn".  It would take too long to tell you what the play was about, because it was long.  That was the only complaint.  2 1/2 hours long!  It was a lot of work.  We started with rehearsals in January and performed on March 12th and 13th.  Had a good time, was a lot of work, but mainly cut into my Saturdays.